属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伦敦巫术 激情犯罪
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 赛伦·曼纳 足球场上的圣人
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 赛伦·曼纳 足球场上的圣人
1 | 这种蛾子因栖息地正受到破坏,几乎绝种了. | The moth’s habitat is being destroyed and it has nearly died out . | |
2 | 震耳的欢笑声,从窗口传出去,一直传到很远,消逝在极远的静穆暮霭之中。 | An ear-splitting noise of merrymaking issued from the open windows, and died out far away under the serene evening sky | |
3 | ||1:要是他那个伟大的叔叔去的早点就好了。||2:Franz Joseph I是奥匈帝国的一位优秀的统治者,只是当那个被称为改革的时代来临时,他86年岁月所带来的就只能算是顽固保守。||3:这就注定他的侄子(全名Franz Josef Otto Robert Maria Anton Karl Max Heinrich Sixtus Xavier Felix Renatus Ludwig Gaetan Pius Ignatius)会继承这个“崇高”的使命。||4:他记得叔叔,也记得父亲在1916年12月的加冕礼。||5:那是一个短暂而阴暗的朝代,在那场你争我夺的战争里,欧洲最强盛的多民族政府,从Vienna到Budapest,横跨11个民族的君主制国家未能幸免于难。||6:这位4岁被加冕,之后就无缘皇冠的皇储,以他的智慧和人格魅力生活了九十多年。 | ||1:If only his great-uncle had died earlier.||2:Franz Joseph I was a masterful ruler of the Austro-Hungarian empire, but his 86 years brought rigidity when the times called for reform.||3:This doomed the noble legacy that his great-nephew (full name Franz Josef Otto Robert Maria Anton Karl Max Heinrich Sixtus Xavier Felix Renatus Ludwig Gaetan Pius Ignatius) could have inherited.||4:He remembered the old man, as well as the coronation of his father Charles in December 1916.||5:It was a short and gloomy reign, in a botched war that left Europe’s most successful multinational state, the 11-nation monarchy run from Vienna and Budapest, beyond saving.||6:The four-year-old—first crown prince and then uncrowned pretender—served nine decades longer, with brains and charm. | |
4 | ||1:在刚果,霍斯金斯夫妇自己也惨遭了不幸;双胞胎中的一个是死胎,而另一个在两岁前死亡。||2:他承认在他的作品中带给了读者情感上的挑战。||3:但他并没有过度感伤。||4:他写到犯罪学,警察怎样与媒体周旋,怎样应对罪行背后扭曲的信仰。||5:书的大部分是关于kindoki (非洲巫术手册)。||6:霍斯金斯先生把这认为是一种较为仁慈的折磨,用从 nganga(刚果哺果苏木)中提取的植物药剂治疗,这是一种传统治疗物。||7:但在非洲及英国,复兴基督教会的牧师有增加的趋势,布道一种不同的、恶毒的kindoki。||8:他们使得父母们相信自己的孩子被魔鬼蛊惑,必须通过隔离、禁食和鞭打才能除怪。||9:这些将他们的牧师当做“小神”的绝望而易受骗的信徒们,就会付出很多的钱给他们以治愈这种疾病。 | ||1:Mr Hoskins and his wife suffered their own tragedy in Congo; one of their twins was stillborn, the other died before she was two.||2:He admits his work presents emotional challenges.||3:But he is not overly sentimental.||4:He writes about criminology, how the police deal with the media and the perverted beliefs behind the crimes.||5:Much of the book is about kindoki.||6:Mr Hoskins understands this as a benign affliction treated with a potion of plant extracts from a nganga, a traditional healer.||7:But there is a growing trend of pastors in new revivalist Christian churches, both in Africa and Britain, preaching a different, malevolent kind of kindoki.||8:They convince parents that their children are possessed by demons which must be exorcised through isolation, fasting and beatings.||9:Gullible and desperate believers, who consider their pastors to be “little Gods”, will pay good money for them to cure this malady. | |
5 | ||1:足球这项运动往往让人联想到花花公子、时尚名流、种族主义者、亿万富翁、时装模特和纨绔子弟。||2:在圣者寥寥的足球场上,赛伦·曼纳(Sailen Manna)却是个例外。||3:他去世后,两千人簇拥着他的遗体,陪伴他从加尔各答顺着恒河支流胡格利(Hooghly)河畔,送他到Keoratala陵园。||4:对于送葬者而言,他们失去的远不止一名令人尊敬的球员。 | ||1:THE game of football regularly produces playboys, celebrities, racists, billionaires, fashion models and spoilt brats.||2:What it does not produce is saints; with one exception.||3:When Sailen Manna died, 2,000 people followed his body to the Keoratala burning ghat in Kolkata, on the banks of the Hooghly river that flows out of the Ganges.||4:They acknowledged they had lost rather more than a decent player. | |
6 | 奥托·冯·哈布斯堡大公,奥匈帝国末代皇帝之子于7月4日逝世,享年98岁。 | Archduke Otto von Habsburg, son of the last Austro-Hungarian emperor, died on July 4th, aged 98. | |
7 | 足球场上的圣徒,赛伦德拉·纳斯·曼纳,2月27日逝世,终年87岁 | Sailendra Nath Manna, a saint among footballers, died on February 27th, aged 87 | |
8 | 1950年之间,平均每年有一种生物绝种。到1985年, | 1950 an average of one kind of living thing died out each year. By 1985 this | |
9 | 壁炉里的火焰跳几下就灭绝了。 | The flame in the fireplace burned unsteadily and then died out . | |
10 | 但如果病毒会感染、致死猎人,那它很可能因寄主或接触者死亡而迅速灭绝。 | But even if it sickened those hunters, it probably died out with them or their immediate contacts. | |
11 | 灯突然熄灭了。 | The lights died out suddenly. | |
12 | 对古代花粉残留的研究也揭示出,当时至少有一半的动植物物种消失绝迹。 | Ancient pollen residues revealed a mass extinction of plant life in which half of all flora species died out . | |
13 | 很多动物已经由于过度捕杀而灭绝。 | Many animals have died out for the cause of much killing and hunting. | |
14 | 几块骨头上刻有驯鹿奔跑的图画,尽管法国的这块区域上的驯鹿被认为在一万年前就消失了。 | Several bone carvings showed reindeer running, though reindeer were thought to have died out in that part of France 10, 000 years earlier. | |
15 | 她打田畈里绕圈子走了一英里多路,直到那火光远远消失在她的背后。 | She had circled through a ploughed field for a mile until the light of the fires died out behind her. | |
16 | 尽管这个谣传基本上已经消失,我仍然认为它是一个挑战。 | Although that rumor has mostly died out , I still think of it as a challenge. | |
17 | 据一份新的科学报告:恐龙灭绝后,一些哺乳动物体形开始变大。 | When dinosaurs died out , some mammals became huge, according to a new Science paper. | |
18 | 可果真如此,为什么有的化石看起来像是上帝的“失误”?它们未能适应变化,也因此而绝迹了。 | But, if that was true, why did some of the fossils look like "mistakes" which had failed to change and, for that reason, died out ? | |
19 | 恐龙在很早以前就灭绝了。 | The dinosaur had died out long before. | |
20 | 目前的育种目标是为这种一百多年前几乎绝迹的鱼类重新建立一定数量的种群。 | Breeding efforts aim to reestablish a key population that died out more than a century ago. | |
21 | 然而为什么我们人类发展并统治了世界,而我们的旁系类人物种却灭绝了呢?科学家们从很早开始就一直对这个问题感到好奇。 | Why we rose to rule, while our hominin relatives died out , has long been a curiosity for scientists. | |
22 | 虽然凤凰崇拜的现象在今天的畲乡已逐渐消失,但凤凰文化永远是畲民族宝贵的文化遗产。 | It reveals that nowadays the phenomenon of phoenix worship died out , but phoenix culture is the Shes’ valuable cultural heritage forever. | |
23 | 他们灭绝的原因一直在争论,因为他们与现代人是同时期存在的。 | Why they died out is a matter of debate, because they co-existed alongside modern man. | |
24 | 牙形刺最早出现于大约5亿年前,就在恐龙开始登上历史舞台时灭绝了。 | Conodonts first emerged around 500 million years ago and died out just as dinosaurs were beginning to take shape. | |
25 | 一般认为全身多毛的猛犸象灭绝于上一个冰河世纪,而大象是现存的与猛犸象亲缘关系最近的动物。 | The elephant is the closest modern relative of the mammoth, a huge woolly mammal believed to have died out with the last Ice Age. | |
26 | 由于栖息地流失以及精耕细作的农耕,短毛熊蜂于2000年在英国灭绝。 | The short-haired bumble died out in the UK in 2000 because of loss of habitat and intensive agriculture. | |
27 | 在哈德逊河中,拥有变异基因的鱼类蓬勃发展,那些没有变异基因的鱼都已经死光光了。 | But in the Hudson, fish with the gene to make the mutant receptor have thrived, while those without it have died out , Wirgin notes. | |
28 | 在美国,对这一问题的争论在20世纪80年代一度销声匿迹,但最近又卷土重来——其中一部分原因是伊拉克战争。 | The debate on this subject died out in the U. S. in the 1980s, but now it’s back--partly because of the Iraq War. | |
29 | 在这里,他看到了那段时间村里死去的人们,他们或是散步,或是闲坐。 | Therein he saw walking or sitting all the people who had died out of his village in his time. | |
30 | 这就是我们的宗谱在“新秩序”时期大量绝迹的原因;我们也因此更难查考自己的家谱。 | That’s why a lot of our genealogy died out during the New Order; it made it much harder for us to trace our family trees. |